Complain pno Hokben Call Center if the order is late : Wallpaper

 Complain pno Hokben Call Center if delivery is late

Hokben provides services if  something happens  that you do not like,  please complain immediately to the Hokben call center. This is very clear, so that we, Hokben, can improve the service and give a reprimand to the employees on duty. Because it is our duty  to provide the best service.

This  uniquely themed  fast food restaurant has  long  been based in Indonesia. There are so many food fans of this restaurant. One of the reasons why this Hokben restaurant is unique is the menu.   Japanese dishes are provided by this restaurant formerly called Hoka Hoka Bento.

There are many branches opened by Hokben, for the time being  Hokben includes from Java, Bali and pioneering on other islands.   So to expand  the  market beyond the two islands is still gradual.   The survival of this restaurant is because it  has  a taste that suits the tongue of Indonesians.

In addition,  the  call center that Hokben has always tries to  offer the best service  to its loyal customers.   Whether it concerns receiving  complaints or other information.   Contains information for booking procedures. So if you are still curious and have questions, please contact CS Hokben.

 Complain pno Hokben Call Center if the order is late

Of course,  it  is the job of the call center  to  receive calls from customers spread all over Indonesia.   Whether it’s new customers or loyal customers, the call center agent  will certainly still provide the best service to  be satisfied.   That’s the basic description of call destinations and call center tasks.

The call  can contain anything, as explained above, namely complaints, being curious about promos just wanting to know the available menu  .   Call center agents need to be on standby  to  answer  all kinds of customer questions and complaints  .

Although it has been based in Indonesia for a long time  and  has  many loyal customers, it is possible that Hokben made  a  mistake. Therefore, the important role of the call center is here.  To build a bridge between Hokben and the customer if there are later complaints or suggestions that  are  useful for improvement.

For those of you who have problems or complaints, you can simply file a complaint with  the Hokben call center, so you  can follow up later. So that we will immediately take further action  to  provide  a solution so that the same error does not occur  the next time  .   We  will reprimand if one of our officers makes a mistake.

Such as complaints if the delivery person  arrives  late with shipping to the destination.   Maybe if  it’s late  in minutes  , it doesn’t matter to some people  , but if that person  can’t wait because there’s   another agenda. It was, of course, very disturbing and uncomfortable.

Especially if the expected order has arrived late, when  it  will be enjoyed,  it turns out that the  order is not suitable, it will be very disturbing.   You report it immediately to our call center on the email We are ready to accept and submit  your complaint later  and follow up immediately.

Adukan pada Call Center Hokben, Ready 24 hours

Our call center agents  are ready to serve you for 24 hours   . This is because some Hokben branches themselves  have opening hours of 24 hours. So if you need help or just want to file a complaint, you can contact our CS.

To satisfy loyal customers and provide the best service, as well as make improvements to the service if  there are complaints.   The complaint will later be an evaluation  of the performance of  each Hokben employee.   This restaurant, which has been around for more than 30 years, is certainly  experienced in dealing with consumers.

So our call center agents  will be equipped with how to meet the needs of customers  .   In addition to the above e-mail, you can also  contact our CS via other platforms.  Like our  social media  pages on twitter, IG and facebook.

You can ask or complain to the Hokben call center there.  Starting from the opening hours of  the hokben establishment  you want to visit to delivering a  review of your experience with food at this restaurant with Japanese dishes.   Usually various promos are delivered from this social media page.

The promo can  certainly be enjoyed with the terms and conditions that  apply.   Learn and pay attention to every detail of the promo, if it is not clear, you can ask directly to the call center.  It is to be hoped that with this call center Hokben will become a restaurant  that has a lot of trust from the community and can be accepted.

Do you have a complaint? Complain  immediately to the Hokben call center

Of course, we have  contacted our call center several times if you have a complaint directly. To  be used  directly as an evaluation for all parties, and improvements are made in the service.   Customer satisfaction is our  priority, in addition to CS  complaints we also receive reviews from our  restaurants.

This review or review can be said to be similar to  complaints, but not entirely complaining. There could be a review  of how satisfied  Hokben’s service was. Therefore, in addition to the possibility of  being  passed directly to  CS officers,  you can also submit reviews on  Hokben’s old social media.

You can also contact CS via the official website platform of this Japanese-themed restaurant.   By  selecting the Contact Us submenu and fill out the form accordingly. If  you  have submitted a review or complaint to the Hokben call center,  you can also  place  an order via the website.

Of course, you must have  a previous account  or have an account registered. If it’s not easy, just fill out the email and other forms correctly  . Then you can  start  ordering the available food menu later. This is adjusted to the outlet closest to you  and whether you want to reach the final destination of delivery later.

Sekedar Tanya of Wanna Adukan padeen Call Center Hokben, We Are Ready

If  you only have questions about information such as delivery, you can contact the special delivery CS  directly  at  the 1500505 number.  When you call the service  and  ask for the total  price, it will be fully communicated that  it has covered  the taxes and  shipping costs.

So you don’t have to  worry about  the employees exaggerating the shipping costs later, because it  is arranged in advance.   But if there is  something  that  is  not pleasant when there is a delivery   before or after the order, you can file  a fish complaint directly with the call center via the email is direct.

For information  listed  on our page, whether social media or websites, please ask for it immediately.   We are happy to explain this for you  so that there is no more curious rasa.   Usually  , consumers often ask for promos and the conditions to be able to  get  these promos.

Thisis  to  avoid misunderstandings when interpreting the available promos. We have indeed done our best to  convey  information clearly, but it  is possible to be less careful to pay attention to  the information that is clearly stated said.

By communicating directly with consumers, it is hoped that hokben call enter officers will be able to convey suggestions or complaints from consumers for evaluation material later. In order to provide the best service,  customer feedback is needed and immediately file a complaint with the Hokben call center  if there are any complaints.

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